Media Room

新萄京娱乐 media releases, reports, submissions and speeches. Sign up below to receive our media releases and public statements.

Statement on censorship of ABC journalism in India

MediaRoom, Releases
新萄京娱乐 and the 新萄京娱乐 ABC National House Committee is alarmed by efforts to suppress the work of ABC journalists in India ...

Dropping the charges the only clear path to freedom for Assange

MediaRoom, Releases
The United States government must drop its prosecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and bring its bid to extradite him to an end ...

Staff call for ABC Head of Content to stand down

Editorial staff at the ABC have again registered a vote of no confidence in managing director David Anderson and senior managers over the broadcaster’s handling of complaints ...

新萄京娱乐 submission to the review of national security legislation – March 2024

This is 新萄京娱乐’s submission to the Indepndent National Security Legislation Monitor’s review of secrecy offences in part 5.6 of the Criminal Code 1995 ...

Government must act to force Meta to pay for journalism

Meta’s announcement today that it will seek to avoid its obligations to pay Australian news outlets for their content is a damaging blow to the public’s right to be informed ...

Submission to the News Media Assistance Program consultation

Public interest journalism is critical for a well-functioning democracy ...

Global journalist unions call for US government to free Assange

MediaRoom, Releases
On the eve of a crucial court hearing in London, journalist unions around the world have joined forces to call for the United States to drop espionage charges against Julian Assange ...

SOMA statement on MYO funding cuts

The union for Australia’s professional orchestral musicians calls on the Victorian Government to urgently restore funding to Melbourne Youth Orchestras (MYO), one of Australia’s most important youth arts organisations. MYO is an essential training pathway for aspiring Victorian musicians to gain the skills and experience required to join professional orchestras ...
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